Monday 14 May 2012

Ten top tips

1. Use the words from the question in your answer (especially in the introductino & conclusion).
2. Write a plan.
3. Remember PEE, point, example, explain.
4. Refer to as many up to date case studies as possible.
5. Mention the Film Policy Review Survey, 'It begins with the audience'.
6. Try to address issues from the point of view of the Institution & the Audience.
7. Write in the order of:
8. Basically, the Big 6 have the power to dominate
 because they have the £ and the infrastructure (Vertical Integration)
 to synergise their releases, marketing and merchandising and achieve blanket distribution of mainstream films.
9. It is digital technology and convergence which has given the smaller companies
 (distributed mostly by Momentum, the larget indie distributor)
 the opportunity to compete and get more niche films distributed to a more diverse audience.
 The Digital Screen network has helped fund and encourage more digital screens and this, along with
convergence of media platforms, has given audiences greater choice of film and ways to consume.
This will only continue to flourish in the future (VOD).
10. Answer the question!

Good luck!

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