Monday 6 February 2012

Researching your case study

You need to find out the following information about your chosen film:
Production: where did the finance come from? What production companies have been involved? What else have they produced?
Cast and crew: what else have they been involved in? Have they been UK based?

Distribution & Marketing:
Who is the distrbution company, who are they owned by, what else have they promoted? How much money have they spent?
Marketing: who is promoting the film, what techniques have they used? To what extent have they used digital technology in this ? facebook, TV promotions, radio, magazines, what else???
What audiences have they targeted, how can you tell?
Is it above the line or below the line marketing?

Where is this film being screened? What sort of exhibition? Blanket? targeted? What sort of  cinemas is it screened at? What does this tell us about the audience? Is it exhibited in digital or film format? Why might this be? Can you find a budget for this?

What makes this a UK film?
Which BFI category (a, b,c,d,e look on your worksheet) does you film fit into?

What attracted it to you?
When you have watched it how does it represent UK?
Did you enjoy it.
Put links to articles, reviews, companies etc on your blog.

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