Tuesday 28 February 2012

Synergy and 20th Century Fox

Digital Distribution: A revolution in progress

1. When did UK distributors and exhibitors start to move towards digital distribution?
2. What are the advantages of digital distribution compared to film?
3. In which countries has it been particularly successful?
4. In the UK, which institutions have particularly got to grips with it?
5. What is the national body charged with encouraging digital film in the UK?
6. How many cinema screens are there in the UK?
7. How many of these are digital?
8. In how many cinemas was your case study shown?
9. Describe briefly the process of digital transfer.
10. Which key film institution was disbanded in 2011 and who took over their work?
11. What are the implications for the future of digital distribution?
12. How might the share of profit change in the light of digital distribution?
13. Was your case study distributed digitally? 

Bullet Boy

1. Who is the director of Bullet Boy?
2. Where was the film first screened in 2004?
3. Who handled the release?
4. What is their most recent release (look on their website)
5. What percentage of their releases are from first time feature directors(look on their about us link)
6. Who handled the release of your case study, provide the link to their website, consider how effective their webpage is. 
7. How did Verve manage to broaden the theatrical release?
8. How many prints did it have in the UK?
9. What did the advertising campaign consist of?
10. How does this compare to the ad campaign for your case study film?

The Logistics of distribution

1. Who decides on the  'play date'?

2. What is the distributors responsibility?

3. Why is it imperative that films are delivered on time?
4. About how much does a 35mm print cost?
5. How are prints usually broken down?
6. What are the disadvantages of using film prints?
7. How was your case study film distributed? Digitally or 35 mm or a combination? Can you find out how many prints were developed?

Marketing: Prints and Advertising.

1. What are the 7 elements of P&A?

2. About how many prints might a specialised film have and how long will the tour be?

3. How many prints might a commercial mainstream have?

4. How many did your case study film have?
5. Why is a favourable press response a key factor?

6. What is the standard format for a cinema poster?
7. WHy is a poster important?

8. Please insert a copy of your case study film poster and analyse how it features to key attributes.
9. WHat is the word to express coverage working at the same time.

10. What is the key aspect for mainstream film?

11. Why is distribution in the UK seen as riskier than in other countries?

12. How are distributors trying to get around this problem?

13. Who was the press agency for your case study?
14. What is another name for the actors or director?

15. What sort of coverage did the key players in your case study have? Did they appear on Jonathon Ross, this 
16. What is the ultimate aim of marketing?



1. What are the two questions around the marketing of a film release?

2. What day of the week are new films released in the UK?

3. Who schedules and coordinates forthcoming releases?

4. What is a ‘light’ week?

5. What three aspects have to be taken into account for a film to have the greatest potential to reach audiences?

6. Why is this becoming increasingly difficult?

7. What are P&A
8. What are the costs of P&A?

9. Who marketed your film?

Licensing of Film

1. Define the licensing process.

2. How many levels are there?

3. How many ‘market territories are there around the world?

4. Why are smaller independent film companies unable to handle the licensing for their own films?

5. So what do they do?

6. What is ‘local’ distribution?

7. They purchase the theatrical rights, what does this consist of?.

8. Who do they have to share royalties with?


9. What is the most effective way to create interest in a new film in the UK?

10. What options are available after the theatrical (cinema) release?

11. What must a successful distributor do?

12. Who was the distributor for your case study?

13. What techniques did they employ?

Please read the following post and answer these questions, please email your answers to me and save a copy for yourself.

Introduction: What is distribution?

1.How would you define the exhibition of film?

2. What number part of the film supply chain is distribution?

3. How is it sometimes referred to?

4. Why is it argued that it is the most important part of the film industry?

5. What are the three stages of film process?

6. In what way are they most effective?

7. Why is this more difficult for the independent film sector?

8. What are the three stage of distribution?

Excellent Guide to the process of distrubution

Click here

Monday 27 February 2012


Wednesday 8 February 2012

digital screen network

what films are available
independent cinemas

Monday 6 February 2012

Researching your case study

You need to find out the following information about your chosen film:
Production: where did the finance come from? What production companies have been involved? What else have they produced?
Cast and crew: what else have they been involved in? Have they been UK based?

Distribution & Marketing:
Who is the distrbution company, who are they owned by, what else have they promoted? How much money have they spent?
Marketing: who is promoting the film, what techniques have they used? To what extent have they used digital technology in this ? facebook, TV promotions, radio, magazines, what else???
What audiences have they targeted, how can you tell?
Is it above the line or below the line marketing?

Where is this film being screened? What sort of exhibition? Blanket? targeted? What sort of  cinemas is it screened at? What does this tell us about the audience? Is it exhibited in digital or film format? Why might this be? Can you find a budget for this?

What makes this a UK film?
Which BFI category (a, b,c,d,e look on your worksheet) does you film fit into?

What attracted it to you?
When you have watched it how does it represent UK?
Did you enjoy it.
Put links to articles, reviews, companies etc on your blog.

Previous Questions

Questions on the Film Industry

Answer the questions making detailed reference to egs from your case study material to support the points made in your answer. Focusing on the UK Film Industry

1. Discuss the ways in which media products are produced and distributed to audiences within a media area, which you have studied.

2. How important is technological convergence for institutions and audiences within a media area you have studied?

3. Media production is dominated by global institutions which sell their products and services to national audiences. To what extent do you agree with this statement?

4. What significance does the continuing development of digital media technology have for media institutions and audiences?

5. Discuss the issues raised by media ownership in the production and exchange of media texts in your chosen area.

Thursday 2 February 2012

CAse Study

You need to trace the route of a new release of a film in the UK. It would be best if this was a British film.

Good places to look are here

or here Time Out's guide

what are working title doing at the moment? Tinker Tailor Spy