Wednesday 14 March 2012

Mini Questions: These should be answered in half an hour and be about a side long:

1. What are the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practice? (film making).

2. What is the importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution, marketing in the production companies you have studied?

3. What technologies have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange?

4. What is the significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences?

5. How do your own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour?

Now choose an essay question: Use your notes, the blog and the internet to plan your response. Then put all but your plan away and spend 45 minutes writing this in quiet, exam conditions.

1. How important is technological convergence for the film industry?

2. How does the film industry target audiences?

3. In the light of new technology what will the film industry have to do in the future to continue expanding?

4. How importants is technological convergence for institututions and audiences?

5. What are the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences(Britsh) by international or global institutions?

Key terms to use:

Viral marketing, blanket distribution, niche markets, audience targeting, brand marketing, knowing a market, proliferation of hardware, push-pull exchange, powerm Web 2.0, ‘We Media’

Synergy, Vertical integration, convergence, divergence,

Merchandising, tie in deals, spin offs, cross platform marketing, interactive

Downloading, congomerates, budget distribution, independent, art house, negative distribution, piracy, target audience, niche audiences, democratisation, exhibition/exchange, BFI, FACT, White Bus

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