Sunday 29 April 2012

Prometheus trailer

On Channel 4 in the first advert break in 'Homeland' (9pm Sunday), they took the unusual step to use the  whole ad break to trail the new Ridley Scott film 'Prometheus'. The emphasised his past successes of Bladerunner, Alien and Gladiator. They included a hash tag for audiences to tweet and their responses were played in the next ad break

The impact of the campaign was assessed here

© Showtime
Damian Lewis's Homeland soared to a new high of nearly 2.6m last night (Sunday), despite facing major BBC and ITV dramas.

As the mystery surrounding Brody began to unravel in 'Crossfire', episode nine of 12, 2.15m (8.5%) watched on Channel 4 at 9pm, with a further 421k (2.3%) on +1.

Increasing over 400k week-on-week, the US show edged its previous best in March and is cementing itself as one of Channel 4's best-rated imports in recent years.

  • Channel 4 has a strong brand image being seen by ABC1 16-44s as being more trend setting, controversial (in a good way), provocative, innovative and ground breaking than any other terrestrial channel.
  • Due to our challenging and alternative programming, Channel 4 resonates particularly strongly with young (27% 16-34 profile compared to 24% for average UK adult*) and upmarket viewers (44% ABC1 profile compared to 41% for average UK adult*). In addition, among ABC1 16-44s, Channel 4's advertising is seen as more relevant than any other terrestrial channel.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

your questions

These were the aspects you wanted extra clarification with:

web 2.0
vertical integration
essay structure
past examples
independent cinema

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Cover work for Wednesday 25th April

Research the work of Film Four using the links on the blog entry below.

Answer this as an essay response:

'How much impact has Film Four had on the UK film industry in the last 20 years? What do you think their role will be in the future and will it ever be possible for such an institution to compete against the vertical integration that is possible with institutions such as Disney?'

You must plan this and then take 45 minutes to write it.

Link here to their blog with interesting articles on.

Reading your comments some of you felt less confident (naturally enough as its a tricky part), on the production element of film. Film four have an extensive page on their website devoted to Film Production

Friday 20 April 2012

The death of 3d

Ownership essay approach

Kermode on Piracy

Film on digital film


Film Distributors Association

A good UK site 'Launching Films'
, where you can see the top UK releases, week by week and who they have been produced and distributed by. Here is the proof of the domination of the film industry by the bigger institutions and may explain why its so hard for smaller, independents to make an impact.

They also provide an up to date news feed on the global film industry and present interesting stories, such as this one on Netflix making on demand available on windows phones. (convergence, divergence, audience, institution)

They show that there are 26 distribution companies in the UK, see here

Film Four: encouraging UK film industry

Link here to their blog with interesting articles on.

Reading your comments some of you felt less confident (naturally enough as its a tricky part), on the production element of film. Film four have an extensive page on their website devoted to Film Production

Saturday 14 April 2012

Independent and world films on demand from Curzon

Link here

Use this as an example of how film in the UK may develop in the future.
The future is already here!